On the occasion of the “International Day of Girls and Women in Science” BIH and MDC kindly invite you to join the opening event for the exhibition “STEM Passion – a Journey Inspired by Women in Science” on February 13.
Women represent an important driving force for scientific progress in STEM disciplines. STEM passion exhibition by Elisabetta Citterio and Claudia Cagliano portrays women in science with different backgrounds and honors their successes. The opening event wants to celebrate women* in science, give them more visibility and encourage to network with each other.
We especially invite early- and mid- career women, non-binary, trans* and inter* scientists from all STEM disciplines to join the event.The opening event, organized by Max Delbrück Center and Berlin Institute of Health, wants to celebrate women in science, give them more visibility and encourage to network with each other.
4 pm – Opening remarks
Prof. Dr. Maike Sander (Scientific Director Max Delbrück Center) and Prof. Dr. Christopher Baum (Scientific Director Berlin Institute of Health)
4:15 pm – Keynote
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Zippel (Einstein Professor for Sociology with focus on Gender Studies at Freie Universität Berlin)
4:55 pm – Introduction to the exhibition
Dr. Elisabetta Citterio (Research Scientist, University of Milano-Bicocca) and Claudia Cagliano (Lecturer – Communication, Istituto Europeo di Design, Turin)
5:05 pm – Seeing what everyone sees but thinking what no one nas thougnt
Prof. Dr. Rana Dajani (Professor of Molecular Biology, The Hashemite University, Jordan; current Richard Von Weizsacker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy, Germany)
5:15 pm – Fish Bowl Discussion – Progress and passion: showcasing your (scientific) journey
Moderation: Dr. Jessica Rohmann (Research Group Leader, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
6 pm – Opening of the exhibition and networking with snacks and beverages
There will be plenty opportunities for networking, receiving support to enhance your public presentation on social media, and accessing various databases for women scientists. Additionally, you can become a part of the vibrant #WomenInScience community. Source: https://www.bihealth.org/en/notices/stem-passion-a-journey-inspired-by-women-in-science