Women through the lens. Overcoming gender stereotypes.

ONLINE CONFERENCE.   Wednesday 9 February 2022   2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Fondazione Zoé is pleased to invite you to its online conference To mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February, Fondazione Zoé - Zambon Open Education, in collaboration with OpenZone, is organising a discussion on the role of women in science, whose contribution to scientific progress risks remaining in the shadows due to gender stereotypes that are yet to be fully overcome. An inspiration and an invitation to young women to get passionate about Science and become active participants. At the same time, there will be the opening of the STEM Passion photography exhibition by photographer and molecular biologist Elisabetta Citterio, in collaboration with Claudia Cagliano, lecturer and communication consultant. The exhibition, which celebrates…
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STEM Passion. Un viaggio ispirato da donne nella scienza. Mostra Bresso Milano.

MOSTRA FOTOGRAFICA STEM Passion. Un viaggio ispirato da donne nella scienza. Bresso Milano. Wednesday 9 February 2022 3:00 pm - Sunday 27 February 2022 6:00 pm OpenZone campus Via Antonio Meucci 3, Bresso, Italy PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION 9-27 February 2022.  A project by Elisabetta Citterio and Claudia Cagliano. A journey through photographic images, words and sounds in the fascinating world of Life Sciences, which aims to bring visibility to the outstanding contribution of women by highlighting their discoveries, accomplishments and leadership, their passion for the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and their humanity. A multimedia storytelling, which celebrates the successes of 40 leading female scientists in Italian and international research institutes, designed to inspire the new generations and encourage them to pursue a scientific career and become leaders in STEM. By…
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Festival della Scienza Verona. Donne e Scienza.

ONLINE EVENT. STEM Passion Presentation. Per tutti. Alle ore 18:30 Elisabetta Citterio e Claudia Cagliano presentano il progetto STEM Passion: un percorso per immagini fotografiche e parole per raccontare donne leader nel mondo delle Scienze della Vita in campo nazionale e internazionale. Festival della Scienza Verona 12-21 Marzo 2021. Programma 12 MARZO. Source: https://www.festivalscienzaverona.it/schedule/stem-passion-un-viaggio-ispirato-da-donne-nella-scienza/
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STEM Passion. Festival della Scienza Verona. LIVE EVENT.

LIVE EVENT. STEM Passion Presentation. Festival della Scienza Verona. It was a great pleasure to present STEM passion at the inaugural evening of the Festival della Scienza Verona on Friday March 12 and to bring across the messages of the leading scientists in the Life Sciences who participated to the project. Thanks to the organizers Caterina Lorenzetti, Giulia Zanetti and Francesca Tezza of this intense and interesting virtual science festival. The live event (in Italian) is visible at this link È stato bellissimo poter presentare STEM passion alla serata inaugurale del Festival della Scienza Verona e poter trasmettere i messaggi delle scienziate leader nelle Scienze della Vita che hanno partecipato al progetto. Grazie di cuore alle organizzatrici Caterina Lorenzetti, Giulia Zanetti e Francesca Tezza, un team tutto al femminile, di…
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ESRs interview the photographer.

A conversation with the PhD students - Early Stage Researchers of the A.R.C.H. European Community Marie Curie Training Network about STEM passion and Women in Science. Within the program: The PhD candidates of the ARCH – Age-Related changes in Hematopoiesis Online training lecturesThanks to ARCH-project. Source: https://arch-project.eu/dissemination/arch-age-related-changes-in-hematopoiesis-online-training-lectures/
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