STEM Passion. A journey inspired by women in science. Munich Exhibition.

MULTIMEDIA EXHIBITION. 11 February 2025 - 13 March 2025.  Helmholtz Munich, Helmholtz Pioneer Campus (HPC) building, Ingolstädter Landstraße 1, D-85764 Neuherberg. Hosted by Helmholtz Munich. Sponsored by: HR Learning and Development, Equal Opportunities Office. The Helmholtz Center will host at the HPC in Munich the STEM Passion exhibition on a European tour. STEM Passion consists of multimedia portraits of women scientists from around the world. For the occasion, this gallery has been enriched with four new images and interviews of women professors and researcher of the Munich scientific community, working at Helmholtz, at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), and at the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital, University Hospital LMU Munich. Thanks to the organizers Dr. Martina Janssen (Head of HR Learning & Development) and Gülcin Abbaszade (Equal Opportunity Officer Helmholtz).  A project…
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STEM Passion. A journey inspired by women in science. Berlin Exhibition.

MULTIMEDIA EXHIBITION. 13 February 2024 - 12 March 2024.  Rahel Hirsch Center for Translational Medicine, Luisenstraße 65, 10117 Berlin. Hosted and supported by the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and Max Delbrück Center Berlin (MDC). The BIH will host at the Rahel Hisrch Center in Berlin the STEM passion exhibition on a European tour. STEM Passion consists of multimedia portraits of women scientists from around the world. For the occasion, this gallery has been enriched with five new images and interviews of women professors and researcher of the Berlin scientific community, working at MDC, BIH-Charité and Humboldt University. Thanks to the organizers Dr. Christiane Nolte (Equal Opportunity Officer MDC) and Karin Höhne (Equal opportunity Officer BIH).  A project by Elisabetta Citterio and Claudia Cagliano. Photography by Elisabetta Citterio. Sound design by Andrea…
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Women in STEM. Exhibition Opening and Networking Event. Berlin.

EXHIBITION OPENING AND NETWORKING EVENT. On the occasion of the “International Day of Girls and Women in Science” BIH and MDC kindly invite you to join the opening event for the exhibition “STEM Passion – a Journey Inspired by Women in Science” on February 13. Women represent an important driving force for scientific progress in STEM disciplines. STEM passion exhibition by Elisabetta Citterio and Claudia Cagliano portrays women in science with different backgrounds and honors their successes. The opening event wants to celebrate women* in science, give them more visibility and encourage to network with each other. We especially invite early- and mid- career women, non-binary, trans* and inter* scientists from all STEM disciplines to join the event.The opening event, organized by Max Delbrück Center and Berlin Institute of Health,…
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Interview in Nature. STEM Passion.

INTERVIEW - Nature Passion, curiosity and perseverance: my mission to capture women in science on camera. Genetics researcher Elisabetta Citterio explains why she felt compelled to photograph 57 women who work in STEM fields. By Josie Glausiusz Nature, 01 February 2024 Read here
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Opening. STEM Passion Exhibition at Ulm University.

OPENING EVENT. STEM Passion. A journey inspired by women in science at Ulm University. Ulm, Germany. Curated by Ulm University - CRC1506 “Aging at interfaces”. With the contribution of : Prof. Dr. Hartmut Geiger, Director Institute of Molecular Medicine and Spokesperson SFB1506, University of Ulm Prof. Dr. Dieter Rautenbach, Vice President Career, University of Ulm Photos, emotions and stories from the exhibition STEM passion. A journey inspired by women in science: Dr Eisabetta Citterio, Molecular biologist and photographer, author of STEM passion Prof. Claudia Cagliano, Lecturer and communication consultant, co-author of STEM passion Round Table Discussion: Female scientists from Um and STEM PASSION: lived experiences Moderation: Christine Liebhardt, Head of public relations, Um Universitv. Read here
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STEM Passion. A journey inspired by women in science. Ulm Exhibition.

27 Oct 2023 - 24 Nov 2023 Universität Ulm. Photography Exhibition. Universität Ulm and CRC1506 - Meyerhofstrasse, Gebäude N27, Ulm - Germany Curated by Ulm University - CRC1506 “Aging at interfaces”. The CRC1506 German Network will be hosting at Ulm University the STEM passion exhibition on a European tour. STEM Passion consists of multimedia portraits of women scientists from around the world. For the occasion, this gallery has been enriched with seven new images and interviews of women professors and researchers who are leading interdisciplinary research projects within the “Aging at Interfaces” Collaborative Research Center CRC1506. Thanks to Prof. dr. Harmut Geiger - Director Institute of Molecular Medicine and spokesperson of CRC1506, University of Ulm, to Annabella Kupferschmidt - CRC1506 Administrative Coordinator, and to Dr. Bettina Möhrle - CRC Scientific Coordinator.…
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Women in Science. ARCH Closing Conference/FEBS Workshop.

Wednesday 3 May 2023 6:00 pm - Sunday 7 May 2023 9:00 am. Heraklion Greece. LECTURE and EXHIBITION. STEM passion will be presented at the FEBS Workshop on the Molecular and Cellular Pathways of Aging in Hematopoiesis.The Workshop is also the closing conference of the ARCH Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN Project. ARCH - Age-Related Changes in Hematopoiesis (has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813091.The Workshop will bring together basic, translational and clinical researchers to discuss key aspects of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell ontogeny, cell fate specification and self-renewal upon aging and malignant transformation.The aim of ARCH is to understand the causal relationship between the physiological changes in the hematopoietic system during lifespan and the occurrence of specific age-related hematological diseases,…
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Perchè scegliere STEAM.

Friday 24 March 2023 - 3:30 pm 4:30 pm.TESTIMONIANZA. Uno sguardo sul mondo della ricerca biomedica e oltre.“Perchè scegliere STEAM: contaminazione tra scienza e arte”. STEM Passion. Storie di passione per la scienza. Incontro online con gli studenti degli Istituti Secondari di secondo grado di Verona e provincia partecipanti al Master di orientamento Scienze della Vita e Professioni STEM  a.s. 2022/2023, organizzato dal Comitato provinciale per l'Orientamento Scolastico e Professionale Verona - COSP Verona. Grazie a COSP Verona e Tiziana Argeri.
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STEM Passion. A journey inspired by women in science. Lausanne Exhibition.

Monday 6 March 2023 5:30 pm - Sunday 19 March 2023 6:30 pm. The Rolex Learning Center, EPFL Route Cantonale Lausanne, VD, 1015 Switzerland. PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION. The Rolex Learning Center - EPFL , Lausanne, Switzerland. Curated by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). As part of the events surrounding International Women's Rights Day 2023, EPFL will be hosting a prestigious exhibition on a European tour. STEM Passion consists of multimedia portraits of women scientists from around the world. For the occasion, this gallery has been enriched with seven new images of women professors at EPFL, one per school and college. Kathryn Hess, School of Life Sciences Sarah Kenderdine, College of Humanities Negar Kiyavash, College of Management of Technology Tamar Kohn, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering Aleksandra Radenovic, School of Engineering Sabine…
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